I also did another run of the whole-wheat cranberry pecan cinnamon bread (WWCPC). I used some of the SAF Gold yeast that I got for the folks at King Arthur. I got a much better rise this time which I attribute to the yeast. Funny story about the yeast. Turns out that it is made about 2 miles south of where I live. So, to get to me, it went from Milwaukee to Vermont and back to Milwaukee. As one person pointed out, will need to purchase a bunch of carbon offsets for that one.
The last bread for the weekend was my first attempt at Pane Siciliano from Peter Reinhart's "The Bread Baker's Apprentice". It is a French bread style with about 40% semolina flour which gives it more of a nutty flavor. Flavor turned out but I had some issues with the shaping and baking. Will certainly have to try it again.